Don’t know what really happened to me.
Have I really changed my point of view?
To view life as if anything is possible
Up to the expense of love itself?
Do we really know what’s wrong and right?
Or just for the sake of what we know is best?
Best for us?
We already know what will happen in the end…
So why do we still pursue it?
Even from the start, it should have not begun.
But we still choose what we feel is right.
Refusing to look on the other reflection in the mirror.
Because we know, somewhere, somehow, the truth might hurt.
The truth reveals the things that can set us free.
But we willingly chose to be trapped
In a prison we ourselves have built in our own hands,
With our own freedom to trade for
Until we only find ourselves with no escape on a path with a dead end.
There would be no turning back.
There’s only one way ahead that leads us deep into the mistake we made.
The detour can only be another mile ahead.
Is it really worth it to take the risk and get hurt rather than not to be hurt at all?
Or maybe be content and be safe because you did what you know is right?
Where’s the boundary put in love?
Loving a person as much as you can,
Accepting everything although in the end, you might break apart and lose him?
Where does the road in love begin and end?
“If you know it’s been wrong from the start, yet it’s already there, how can you be sure that time can still permit you to go on?”
Maybe someday…. Will that day ever come?